The title "Aguantando" means "holding on." I think this is a very fitting title as this story revolves around the theme of Yunior and his whole family holding onto the possibility of Papi coming home. Yunior has relatively no memory of his father as Papi left the family for New York when Yunior was only four years old. The first line of this story is Yunior explicitly stating that he "lived without a father for the first nine years of my life." The closest thing to a "memory" Yunior has are pictures of his father and there's one in particular that stands out to him. It's a photograph of Papi in a uniform before Yunior was born. Yunior likens Papi's unsmiling his to his own. Yunior's family lives in very poor conditions--even poorer than the community around them. However they're still above the people living in the campo or who were Haitian immigrants. From previous stories, we know that Papi is living in the states while th...