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Showing posts from May, 2018

Miranda's Bubble

"Sexy" is my favorite story so far in Interpreter of Maladies . Despite the classic "other woman" trope we've read in Lorrie Moore's Self-Help , "Sexy" still feels fresh and unique to me. The story starts off with Miranda spotting an Indian man in the makeup section of a department store and right away, she's drawn to him. She's never bought anything besides a lipstick from Filene's but she doesn't want to walk away from him so she buys some sort of anti-aging cream even thought she's only 22. His name is Dev and she notices that he's not wearing a wedding ring. Upon getting to know Dev, she's smitten by him––his looks, his wealth, and his ethnicity even. When Dev says that he's shopping for his wife, we don't get any insight as to how Miranda feels about that. She seems to jump into the relationship without any precautions or concerns that Dev is a married man. Miranda lives in this little bubble in Boston whe